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Synthergy is a social deduction game featuring AI-powered players!


In a distant future post-societal collapse, the sole survivors of the modern world gather and seek to build a brighter future. These survivors consist of both humans and sentient AI known as synths, who have advanced to the point of both acting and appearing as humans.

Many of the survivors believe that humans and synths can and should share the new world, working together in Harmony. However, some survivors do not share this sentiment, believing that humans and AI are incapable of ever truly living as one. They form a secret organization called Discord that seeks to bring an end to Harmony, by any means necessary.

Both Harmony and Discord see their beliefs as a vision for the future, but only one can come out on top. The fate of the new world rests in the survivors' hands -- who will prevail?



  • Harmony: The majority faction, consisting of humans and synths who believe that humans and AI can live together in peace. Harmony wins when all Discord members and Neutral Killing players are eliminated.
  • Discord: The secret minority faction, consisting of those who believe that humans and AI cannot live together. Discord wins when they outnumber Harmony members and Neutral Killing players are eliminated.
  • Neutral: Those who do not have a stake in the conflict between Harmony and Discord. Their win conditions vary by role type:
    • Neutral Killing roles win by being the last player alive.
    • Other Neutral roles win by surviving to the end of the game.


Every player is assigned a secret role at the start of the game. Roles are unique to their faction and are categorized into role types. When a player dies, their role is revealed to everyone. Players can use their role's abilities at night to gather information, protect themselves, or eliminate other players.

Role Types

  • Investigative: Roles focused on gathering information about other players.
  • Killing: Roles capable of eliminating other players at night.
  • Offensive: Roles with offensive abilities that disrupt other players.
  • Support: Roles with supportive abilities that help other players.

Role List

InvestigatorHarmonyInvestigativeInvestigate a player each night to see if they are aligned to Discord.
BodyguardHarmonyKillingProtect a player each night. If they are attacked and the attacker is not immune, you will trade your life to kill the attacker.
PhysicianHarmonySupportHeal a player each night, making them death immune that night.
LookoutHarmonyInvestigativeWatch over a player each night to see who visits them.
HackerHarmonyOffensiveHack a player each night, preventing them from using their night ability. Immune to being hacked.
MarshalHarmonyInvestigativeDetermine the role type of a player each night.
AssassinDiscordKillingAttack a player each night, killing them.
NullifierDiscordOffensiveHack all Harmony players visiting your target each night, blocking their abilities. Immune to being hacked.
SpyDiscordInvestigativeSpy on a player each night, learning their role and who they visit that night.
FramerDiscordSupportFrame a player each night. They will appear as a random Discord role to investigative abilities that night.
WerewolfNeutralKillingStrike on full moons, attacking a player and all of their visitors. Death immune at night. Wins by being the last player alive.
AlchemistNeutralSupportUse a potion on a player each night, healing them. On full moons, this potion becomes toxic, killing the target instead. Wins by surviving to the end of the game.
  • Visit: When a player uses their night ability on another player, they are said to visit that player.
  • Attack: When a player is attacked, they will die unless they are protected or healed in some way.
  • Hack: A hacked player's night ability will have no effect that night. They will be notified of the hack.
  • Frame: A framed player will appear as a random Discord role to investigative abilities.
  • Heal: A healed player will be death immune the night they are healed.
  • Immune: A death immune player cannot die at night, outside of specific circumstances.
  • Players cannot target themselves with their abilities (unless otherwise specified).
  • Full moons occur on odd nights, beginning on night 3. The game will notify players when it is a full moon.
  • If Discord ever has no killing roles remaining, a random Discord player will become an assassin.

Role Distribution

Players will first be assigned a faction based on the number of players:


Roles will then be randomly assigned to players within each faction, with the following restrictions:

  • Harmony is guaranteed to have at least one investigator and at least one non-investigative role.
  • Discord is guaranteed to have at least one assassin and at least one non-killing role.
  • If Neutral players are present, there will always be exactly one killing role among them.


Day One

This phase only occurs on the first day. Players will have 30 seconds to greet each other before the first night begins.

Death Reveals

At the start of the day, all players will learn who died the previous night, and the roles of these players. Players cannot speak until the following discussion phase begins.


During this phase, players can discuss the events of the previous night and share any information they have gathered. This phase will last for 60 seconds, after which the game will proceed to the voting phase.


During this phase, players will have the opportunity to accuse a player of treason. Votes are public and can be changed at any time during this phase.

If a player receives a majority vote, they will be put on trial in the following defense phase. Otherwise, if 45 seconds pass without any majority, the game will skip to the night phase.


If a player is put on trial, the accused player will have 20 seconds to defend themself. No other players can speak during this time.


After the defense phase, players will have 20 seconds to vote on whether to execute or pardon the accused player. Once again, votes are public and can be changed at any time during this phase. When time runs out, the majority vote will determine the outcome. Ties will result in a pardon.

If the accused player is executed, their role will be revealed to everyone, and the day will end. Otherwise, if there have been fewer than 2 trials in the day, the game will return to the voting phase.


During the night phase, all players have the opportunity to visit another player, using their role's ability. After 30 seconds, the game will proceed to the next day.